Influencers are simply that - people who have the power to influence things. Most of the time, this refers to people - the engagement of influencers with things like products, places, or movements often brings attention to whatever it is they’re promoting, due to the fact that they have a massive following over social media.
Most influencers come from places like Instagram, though they also populate social media websites like Twitter, Youtube, and Tiktok.
Internet influencers tend to dominate whatever space they take up. They are experts in understanding the algorithms of social media websites, often pushing to encourage the promotion of their account through the understanding of said algorithms. This would include frequent posting, connection, and utilizing other posting features of any website, like Stories on Instagram or Twitter.
The way that influencers are recognized are usually through a massive following that is gained through creating a niche that targets a specific interest or community; they are often associated with a single topic, gaining fame by catering to that niche with their content. They can be identified usually through the community they belong to, or by following numbers. Some influencers can become so popular that they break from a typical job or work schedule and dedicate themselves completely to producing content as an influencer, since promotion money and marketing pay so much.